Decentralized Product Review Platform

Primary LanguageCSS


DPRP is a Decentralized Product Review Platform.


  • Ziyuan Jiang (zj2322)

  • Jiarui Lyu (jl6038)

  • Kerim Kurttepeli (kk3084)


  • Review features including adding, viewing, and verifying a review are added. Please checkout feature/review branch
  • Product and product2reviews tables are added in local db for review test. (A product named 'ipad' is pre-inserted for review test)

Development Guide

Database Setup

We will use PostgreSQL for our project. Please follow the steps below to setup you database environment locally.

Step 1: Install PostgreSQL

First, install postgresql using homebrew:

brew install postgresql

This will create a default server, and the username is postgres. And then start the server:

brew services start postgresql

Step 2: Create database for our project

Let's go into the server first.

psql postgres

Create a database for our project:


Create a user for our project:


Give the new user the access to our database:


Confirm our database has been created:


If you can see the database you created, enter \q to leave.

Finally, store the username and password as your environment variables:

export DB_USERNAME = 'sammy';

export DB_PASSWORD = 'password';

Step 3: Use PostgreSQL in Flask app

Run db_init.py to create all the tables that is needed for our project. If you are using IDE like PyCharm, remember to configure the environment variables (username and password) before running the script.

Step 4: Set environment variable for database encryption

Generate a key for encryption, and store it as DB_KEY for env variable.

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
key = Fernet.generate_key()


PgAdmin 4 is a good tool to manage the PostgreSQL.

Web3 setup

To setup the web3 development environment, follow the steps below:

Step 0: Create your own web3_config.py

Every developer needs to maintain a web3_config.py file in order to run the app. The script should be at DPRP/app/web3_configy.py.

Step 1: Connect to a blockchain

Use Ganache-cli or Ganache app to create a testnet. Get the url of the testnet, copy and paste it to WEB3_URL in web3_config.py.

Step 2: Configure the admin account

Choose one account in the testnet as the admin account, set environment variable ADMIN_PRIVATE_KEY as the private key of this account.

Step 3: Configure the contract

The contract is in contracts/DPRP.sol. Use Remix IDE to deploy the contract to Ganache provider (you should use the admin account to deploy the contract). Copy and paste the contract address and its ABI to web3_config.py.

Step 4: Initialize the contract

Initialize the contract by sending some money to the contract. This can be done by running web3_init.py.


An example of web3_config.py should look like:

# place to store some config values
# in development, please set these values to be your own values

# this should be changed for your own

# this should be changed for your own

# your URL for web3 test server
WEB3_URL = 'HTTP://'


We will deploy our app to Heroku.

Heroku Setup

Step 1: Install Git and Heroku CLI

Assume you already have Git, then refer to this page for Heroku CLI installation.

Step 2: Login to Heroku

heroku login

Make sure you login to Heroku.

Step 3: Create a Heroku Remote

Follow this step.

Step 4: Configure Procfile

Reference: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/procfile

Database Setup

Reference: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/connecting-heroku-postgres

Heroku naturally supports PostgreSQL. So we will need to configure the database, and make it connect to the remote database. BEFORE continue, make sure you already configure your local postgre setting (can be found in development guide part).

Step 1: Create database on Heroku

heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:mini

Step 2: Get the username and password for the database

heroku pg:credentials:url DATABASE

Step 3: Set the configure in Python

Refer to this step

After that, you can rerun db_init.py to test if the connection works.

Web3 Setup

We will use Goerli test network as our blockchain network.

Step 1: Set up an admin account and request some coins

Go to Metamask, create an account, and then go to this website to request some coins daily. Set the private key of admin in web3_config.py.

Step 2: Get the API of testnet

Register an account and a project on Infura, use its Goerli API address, change accordingly in web3_config.py

Step 3: Deploy the contract via Remix

Change the provider to Injected Provider - MetaMask, deploy the contract and copy the contract address to web3_config.py.

Step 4: Run web3_init.py

Set environment variables on Heroku

heroku config:set DATABASE_URL=xxxx
heroku config:set APP_SECRET_KEY=xxxx

For the secret key, use os.urandom(32).hex() to generate.