- python>=3.8
- R 4.2
Phyrvm requires third-party packages from the conda-forge and bioconda channels
conda install -c bioconda blast bbmap seqkit mafft megahit trimal pplacer taxonkit bowtie2 cd-hit
conda install taxonkit diamond==2.0.15 bowtie2 samtools==1.16.1
pip install Bio biopython DendroPy matplotlib numpy pandas regex seaborn tqdm
Version of the tool available for reference:
- bbduk.sh:bbmap v39.01 ; Seqkit v2.4.0 ;bowtie2 v2.5.1 ;megahit v1.2.9
- mafft v7.520 ;trimal v1.4.1 ;makeblastdb,blastn,blastp v2.13.0+
- samtools v1.16.1 ;diamond v2.0.15
The taxonkit dataset should also be downloaded!
All python packages will be downloaded automatically!
pip install phyrvm
#install R package
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
ipak <- function(pkg){
new.pkg <- pkg[!(pkg %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
if (length(new.pkg))
sapply(pkg, require, character.only = TRUE)
Notes: tidyverse is based on systemfonts and you may need the following code to install it
conda install r-systemfonts
Phyrvm requires an environment variable named PHYRVM_DB_PATH
, this is the parent directory for the following databases.
See below for specific database configurations.
#set PHYRVM_DB_PATH to environment variable
export PHYRVM_DB_PATH=/path/to/the/database/
The databases take up a lot of space, so make sure you have enough disk space. If you already have these databases, you can skip the download step and just configure them.
The download speed of the database depends on the internet. You can also choose other download methods such as
1.1 Download the file from this link.
1.2 Unzip the file and Using bowtie2 to build the index.
bunzip2 -cv Phyrvm_rRNA_db.fasta.bz2 > PHYRVM_DB_PATH/rRNA/Phyrvm_rRNA_db.fasta bowtie2-build PHYRVM_DB_PATH/rRNA/Phyrvm_rRNA_db.fasta PHYRVM_DB_PATH/rRNA/rRNA_cutout_ref
#Download the `PROT_ACC2TAXID` file
wget -c https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/accession2taxid/prot.accession2taxid.gz
wget -c https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/taxonomy/accession2taxid/prot.accession2taxid.gz.md5
#Check for the file integrity
md5sum -c prot.accession2taxid.gz.md5
#Unzip the files and onfiguration
gunzip -c prot.accession2taxid.gz > PHYRVM_DB_PATH/accession2taxid/prot.accession2taxid
phyrvm medthod [options]
- medthod:
- end_to_end
- assembly_and_basic_annotation
- phylogenetic_analysis
phyrvm end_to_end -i 1.fastq -i2 2.fastq \
-out_dir out_path --threads 60 -classify_model All --keep-dup
phyrvm assembly_and_basic_annotation -i 1.fastq -i2 2.fastq \
-out_dir out_path --threads 60
phyrvm phylogenetic_analysis -classify_i test/test_contig.fasta \
-out_dir out_path -classify_model All --threads 90 --keep-dup