A feature-based bert classifier implement

Primary LanguagePython

FBBC is abbreviation of Feature-Based BERT Classifier, and it is easy to adapt to other tasks with few changes.

How to use

  1. Refactor DataProcessor to fit your task.
  2. run following command as BERT does
    python simple_classifier.py --do_train=true --do_eval=true\
        --data_dir=YOUR_DATA_PATH --bert_config_file=CONFIG_PATH\
        --vocab_file=VOCAB_PATH --output_dir=OUTPUT_MODEL
    if you want to fine-tune BERT model, add arg --finetune=true
  3. if you want to check a model is frozen or finetune, run
    python check_fintuned.py --raw_ckpt=BERT_MODEL_PATH --trained_ckpt=YOUR_MODEL_PATH

How it works

  • simple_classifier.py

    In this code we can choose how to use pre-trained BERT model. Notice there is a finetune flag default by false which means this classifier uses BERT as feature-based model like ELMo. We can also set it to true just like the paper does.

    Another thing is we simplify the processors here.

  • optimizeation.py

    We set trainable variables in this code. We use bert as keyword to filter BERT variables out, so you should name your variables without bert in it.