
The code of "Phy-CoCo: Physical Constraint-based Correlation Learning for Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Size Estimation" accepted by ECAI2024.




  1. We proposed CoM based on Centrally Expanded Pooling (CEP) to model the correlation between the extracted features and the estimated attributes, fully exploring task-specific features.
  2. To facilitate cross-task interaction, we designed bidirectional physical constraints applied to the transformation of features of interrelated tasks using Multi-Domain Recurrent Convolutions (MDRC).
  3. Extensive experiments are conducted on multi-modal TC datasets to demonstrate the superiority of Phy-CoCo over the state-of-the-art TC estimation methods. The results highlight that Phy-CoCo is effective for both TC MSW and RMW estimation.


  • python 3.8.8
  • Pytorch 1.1.0
  • CUDA 11.7