
Parse generic types from strings, create your own custom parsers.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Create custom parsers to extract types from String types.



Add github "ZkHaider/ParsingKit" "master" to your Cartfile, and run Carthage.


  • Deployment target iOS 10.0+
  • Swift 4+
  • Xcode 10+

Parser Type

Our base unit for this framework is the Parser it has a run function which takes a Substring due to performance benefits and parses a generic type T.

public struct Parser<T> {
    let run: (inout Substring) -> T?

This library has some built in Parsers that already handle parsing of certain Characters such as:

  • Float
  • Double
  • Character
  • CGPoint
  • CGRect
  • CGSize
  • { or }
  • [ or ]
  • ( or )
  • One or more spaces
  • Zero or more spaces

Create your own

You can create your own Parser by extending it as so:

// Example string to parse:
// "{2.0}"

struct MyCustomStruct {
    let someFloat: Float

extension Parser where T == MyCustomStruct {

    public static let myCustomStructParser: Parser<T> = {
        return zip(
        ).map { _, float, _ in 
            return MyCustomStruct(someFloat: float)


let stringToParse: String = "{2.0}"
let parser = Parser.myCustomStructParser

// Output: (match: Float(2.0), rest: nil)