

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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A lightweight, modern, extendable Color Palette extractor that can be used in the browser or in a node.js context.


To use ColrJS with node and/or a bundler such as webpack or rollup, install it via yarn or npm:

yarn add colrjs
# or use npm
npm install colrjs

You can also use it directly in the browser and include it via CDN or locally.

    <!-- as a local file -->
    <script src="./your/path/to/colrjs.browser.min.js"></script>
    <!-- or via CDN -->
    <script src="http://unpkg.com/colrjs"></script>

Getting started

Setting up the initial ColrJS instance is quick and requires only a configuration object. ColrJS provides functions to create one, to utilize editor autocompletion and type safety. For a more in depth guide on how to use ColrJS, take a look at the full documentation.

Start by importing or destructuring the required methods. You are free to use module or import syntax, ColrJS provides export for both standards. When included via CDN or locally, destructuring the globally accessible ColrJS property is the easiest way to access the API.

// node require syntax
const { ColrJS, defineConfig } = require('colrjs');

// modern es6 style syntax
import { ColrJS, defineConfig } from 'colrjs';

// if added to the global namespace
const { ColrJS, defineConfig } = ColrJS;

Creating a ColrJS instance

To use ColrJS, create a new instance and pass a configuration object containing a Processor to it as parameters.

Note: The examples below assumes you're using es6.

import { defineConfig, ColrJS, Monochromatic } from 'colrjs';

// create a processor configuration
const config = defineConfig({
    processors: {
        mono: Monochromatic(5),

const colr = new ColrJS(config);

// You can now extract a Palette by using the extract Palette method.
const monochromaticPalette = await colr.extractPalette(<pixelArray>).mono();


If you would like to contribute, take a look at the contribution guide.


Vay is licensed under the MIT License