
A simple neural network classifying handwritten digits. Based on the mnist dataset, using Theano and Lasagne

Primary LanguagePython


Applies a simple neural network to classify handwritten digits. The mnist dataset needed to run this classifier is automatically downloaded. The Lasagne tutorial serve as a major inspiration.

As the code stands, the classifier runs with

  • 1 hidden layer
  • 625 hidden units
  • A batch size of 100
  • 100 epochs

One run before uploading yielded an accuracy of 97.29% on the test set.


  • Loads the image files from: http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/
  • Displays 10 randomly selected digits together with corresponding labels before classification
  • Runs the classification with batch size 100
  • Average traning and test loss is then visualized.
  • Displays 10 randomly selected digits together with the predictions from the network.
  • Visualizes the weight matrices of 10 random units.