
Simplified validation for Go apps

Primary LanguageGo


Simplified validation for Go apps

Enforcer simplifies the tedious validation process in Go applications.

Forget messy boilerplate-ridden validation code, enforcer is here to enforce your will with a few Go tags and maps!


go get -u github.com/rrojan/enforcer

Basic Usage:

  • Use enforce to validate enforcements


type myStruct struct {
  // Name is a required field with 2-64 char limit and should be "Spaced And Camel Cased"
  name string `enforce:"required between:2,64 matches:^[A-Z][a-z]+(?: [A-Z][a-z]+)*"`

Simple validations:

  • required: mark a field as required
  • between: string length or numerical value limit
  • min: Minimum char length for string or minimum value for numeric type
  • max: Maximum char length for string or maximum value for numeric type
  • match: match emails, passwords, phone numbers, or your own custom regex patterns
  • enum: enforce enum options for string, int, etc
  • exclude: check whether value is in a list of excluded values
  • wordCount: limit the wordcount of a string input
type SignupReq struct {
  // Name -> Enforce "required" and length "between" 2 chars and 10 chars
  Name  string    `json:"name"     enforce:"required between:2,10"`
  // Email -> Enforce "required" and pattern "match" for email
  Email string    `json:"email"    enforce:"required match:email"`
  // Phone -> Enforce pattern "match" for custom regex
  Phone string    `json:"phone"    enforce:"match:^[0-9\\-]{7,12}$"`
  // Age -> Enforce "min" and "max" signup age (number) to be in range 18-100 (we can use `between` for this as well)
  Age int         `json:"age"      enforce:"min:18 max:100"`
  // UserType -> Enforce "enum" which lets the value be "admin" or "user"
  UserType string `json:"type"     enforce:"required enum:admin,user"`
  // Bio -> Minimum of 3 "wordCount", maximum of 150, and a max" 256 character limit
  Bio string      `json:"bio"      enforce:"wordCount:3,150 max:256"
  // Password -> Enforce "required", "min" char limit, "max" char limit and "match" for password validity
  Password string `json:"password" enforce:"required match:password"`

Applying the validation

req := SignupReq{}

// This example uses Gin for request binding, but enforcer can be used on its own as well
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&req); err != nil {
  c.JSON(400, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})

// enforcer.Validate reads the `enforce:"..."` tags and applies enforcements
errors := enforcer.Validate(req)

// This is an array of all errors present

Custom validations:

Use enforcer.CustomValidator to run multiple custom validators like below

type ProductReq struct {
  // Enforce a `productTitleTemplate` validation for title
  Title       string `enforce:"required custom:productTitleTemplate"`
  // Enforce multiple custom validators for price by chaining it with a comma
  Price       int    `enforce:"required custom:isNotOverpriced,canUserSetPrice min:1000"`

  // 0 -> Draft, 1 -> Published
  IsPublished int    `enforce:"enum:0,1"`

Applying the validation

req := ProductReq{}
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&req); err != nil {
  c.JSON(400, gin.H{"error": err.Error()})
customEnforcements := enforcer.CustomEnforcements{
    "productTitleTemplate": func(productTitle string) string {
      // Apply validation logic here
      isValid := true
      if !isValid {
        return "Product title does not match proper format"
      return ""
    "isNotOverpriced": func(priceStr string) string {
      price, _ := strconv.Atoi(priceStr)
      isValid := price < somePriceValidationQuery()
      if !isValid {
        return "Product is overpriced!"
      return ""
    "canUserSetPrice": func(priceStr string) string {
      price, _ := strconv.Atoi(priceStr)
      isValid := priceRoleValidate(price)
      if !isValid {
        return "User does not have authorization to set price in this range"
      return ""
errors := enforcer.CustomValidator(req, customEnforcements) // Array of error messages

Variable validation

While not often used, variable validation can be performed by using the enforcer.ValidateVar function

myAge := 23
errors = enforcer.ValidateVar(myAge, "min:18 max:100")