
Improve your mudae experience!

Primary LanguagePython


  1. Download the EzMudae.py file and place it in the root with the rest of the files
  2. Modify main.py to include your token and prefix
  3. In data.json modify the following fields:
    • server id of your server
    • channel id of your mudae channel
    • role if of your mudae role
  4. Note the time between each roll reset (RM) and claim reset (CM)
  5. Note the time until next roll reset (RR) and claim reset (CR)
  6. Run python -m EzMudae --rr RR --cr CR --rm RM --cm CM with the values noted from earlier
  7. Note the value printed (The value will change every time you run the command, this is normal)
  8. In data.json modify the timing field with your newly attained value
  9. You can now start the bot

Starting the bot

Run python -m main to start the bot