A solution for setting a fixed NFC UID for Android phone

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


  • NDK
  • Rooted android devices with NFC


  1. Git clone the project to local.

    $ git clone https://github.com/ZoLArk173/Android_NFC_FIXED_UID.git
    $ cd Android_NFC_FIXED_UID
    // Since there are some parts of code belongs to other repositories, we need to clone them as well.
    $ git submodule init
    $ git submodule update
  2. Change the desired UID inside Android_NFC_FIXED_UID/UidCtrl/main.cpp

  3. Inside Android_NFC_FIXED_UID/Application.mk, change the APP_BUILD_SCRIPT := path/to/Android.mk to the path of Android.mk under project root folder.

    (ex: APP_BUILD_SCRIPT := /home/zolark173/Documents/Android_NFC_FIXED_UID/Android.mk)

  4. Run ndk-build NDK_PROJECT_PATH=/path/to/proj NDK_APPLICATION_MK=/path/to/Application.mk to build the project.

    • Note that change /path/to/proj to the path of this project, and /path/to/Application.mk to the absolute path of /Android_NFC_FIXED_UID/Application.mk.
  5. If there is no error, you will get injecter and libuildctrl.so under /Android_NFC_FIXED_UID/libs, with 32-bit and 64-bit version.

  6. Send two files to your android device under /data/local/tmp/.

  7. Run /data/local/tmp/injector com.android.nfc /data/local/tmp/libuidctrl.so with root privilege.

    $ adb shell
    $ su
    $ /data/local/tmp/injector com.android.nfc /data/local/tmp/libuidctrl.so


Tested on TicWatch Pro 2020 with wearOS 2 (which is base on Android Pie).

UID will remain the same as long as NFC process doesn't restart.