
asynchronous twitchbot framework made in pure python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

if you have any questions concerning the bot, you can contact me in my discord server: https://discord.gg/PXrKVHp OR r/pythontwitchbot on reddit

if you would like to send a few dollars my way you can do so here: Donate

this bot is also on PYPI: https://pypi.org/project/PythonTwitchBotFramework/

install from pip: pip install PythonTwitchBotFramework


fully async twitchbot framework/library compatible with python 3.6+

how to stop the bot

to stop the bot running, do any of these commands:

!shutdown !stop or !s in the twitch chat of the channel its in, this command tries to properly shutdown all the tasks the bot is currently running and gives time to stop/cancel

these commands requires the caller have permission to execute them

Quick Links

basic info

This is a fully async twitch bot framework complete with:

  • builtin command system using decorators
  • overridable events (message received, whisper received, ect)
  • full permission system that is individual for each channel
  • message timers
  • quotes
  • custom commands
  • builtin economy

there is also mod system builtin to the bot, there is a collection of pre-made mods here: MODS

Quick Start

for a reference for builtin command look at the wiki HERE

the minimum code to get the bot running is this:

from twitchbot.bots import BaseBot

if __name__ == '__main__':

this will start the bot.

if you have a folder with your own custom commands you can load the .py files in it with:

from twitchbot import BaseBot, load_commands_from_directory

if __name__ == '__main__':

Overriding Events

the bots events are overridable via the following 2 ways:

using decorators:

from twitchbot import event_handler, Event, Message

async def on_privmsg_received(msg: Message):
    print(f'{msg.author} sent message {msg.content} to channel {msg.channel_name}')

subclassing BaseBot

from twitchbot import BaseBot, Message
class MyCustomTwitchBot(BaseBot):
    async def on_privmsg_received(self, msg: Message):
        print(f'{msg.author} sent message {msg.content} to channel {msg.channel_name}')

then you would use MyCustomTwitchBot instead of BaseBot:


Overriding Events On Mods

Visit the mods wiki page on this repo's wiki to view how to do it via Mods

  • all overridable events are:

when using the decorator event override way, self is not included, ex: (self, msg: Message) becomes: (msg: Message)

from twitchbot import Event

Event.on_connected : (self)
Event.on_permission_check : (self, msg: Message, cmd: Command) -> bool # return False to deny permission to execute the cmd
Event.on_after_command_execute : (self, msg: Message, cmd: Command)
Event.on_before_command_execute : (self, msg: Message, cmd: Command) -> bool # return False to cancel command
Event.on_bits_donated : (self, msg: Message, bits: int)
Event.on_channel_raided : (self, channel: Channel, raider: str, viewer_count: int)
Event.on_channel_joined : (self, channel: Channel)
Event.on_channel_subscription : (self, subscriber: str, channel: Channel, msg: Message)
Event.on_privmsg_received : (self, msg: Message)
Event.on_privmsg_sent : (self, msg: str, channel: str, sender: str)
Event.on_whisper_received : (self, msg: Message)
Event.on_whisper_sent : (self, msg: str, receiver: str, sender: str)
Event.on_raw_message : (self, msg: Message)
Event.on_user_join : (self, user: str, channel: Channel)
Event.on_user_part : (self, user: str, channel: Channel)
Event.on_mod_reloaded : (self, mod: Mod)  
Event.on_channel_points_redemption : (self, msg: Message, reward: str)
Event.on_bot_timed_out_from_channel : (self, msg: Message, channel: Channel, seconds: int)
Event.on_bot_banned_from_channel : (self, msg: Message, channel: Channel)
Event.on_poll_started : (self, channel: Channel, poll: PollData)
Event.on_poll_ended : (self, channel: Channel, poll: PollData)

if this is the first time running the bot it will generate a folder named configs.

inside is config.json which you put the authentication into

as the bot is used it will also generate channel permission files in the configs folder

Adding Commands

to register your own commands use the Command decorator:

  • using decorators
from twitchbot import Command

async def cmd_function(msg, *args):
    await msg.reply('i was called!')
  • you can also limit the commands to be whisper or channel chat only (default is channel chat only)
from twitchbot import Command, CommandContext

# other options are CommandContext.BOTH and CommandContext.WHISPER
@Command('COMMAND_NAME', context=CommandContext.CHANNEL) # this is the default command context
async def cmd_function(msg, *args):
    await msg.reply('i was called!')
  • you can also specify if a permission is required to be able to call the command (if no permission is specified anyone can call the command):
from twitchbot import Command

@Command('COMMAND_NAME', permission='PERMISSION_NAME')
async def cmd_function(msg, *args):
    await msg.reply('i was called!')
  • you can also specify a help/syntax for the command for the help chat command to give into on it:
from twitchbot import Command, Message

@Command('COMMAND_NAME', help='this command does a very important thing!', syntax='<name>')
async def cmd_function(msg: Message, *args):
    await msg.reply('i was called!')

so when you do !help COMMAND_NAME

it will this in chat:

help for "!command_name", 
syntax: "<name>", 
help: "this command does a very important thing!"
  • you can add aliases for a command (other command names that refer to the same command):
from twitchbot import Command, Message

    help='this command does a very important thing!', 
    aliases=['COMMAND_NAME_2', 'COMMAND_NAME_3'])
async def cmd_function(msg: Message, *args):
    await msg.reply('i was called!')

COMMAND_NAME_2 and COMMAND_NAME_2 both refer to COMMAND_NAME and all three execute the same command


the SubCommand class makes it easier to implement different actions based on a parameters passed to a command.

its the same as normal command except thats its not a global command

example: !say could be its own command, then it could have the sub-commands !say myname or !say motd.

you can implements this using something like this:

from twitchbot import Command

async def cmd_say(msg, *args):
    # args is empty
    if not args:
        await msg.reply("you didn't give me any arguments :(")
    arg = args[0].lower()
    if arg == 'myname':
        await msg.reply(f'hello {msg.mention}!')
    elif arg == 'motd':
        await msg.reply('the message of the day is: python is awesome')
        await msg.reply(' '.join(args))

that works, but i would be done in a nicer way using the SubCommand class:

from twitchbot import Command, SubCommand

async def cmd_say(msg, *args):
    await msg.reply(' '.join(args))

# we pass the parent command as the first parameter   
@SubCommand(cmd_say, 'myname')
async def cmd_say_myname(msg, *args):
    await msg.reply(f'hello {msg.mention}!')

@SubCommand(cmd_say, 'motd')
async def cmd_say_motd(msg, *args):
    await msg.reply('the message of the day is: python is awesome')

both ways do the same thing, what you proffer to use is up to you, but it does make it easier to manage for larger commands to use SubCommand class


this class is basically a command that does nothing when executed, its mainly use is to be used as base command for sub-command-only commands

it has all the same options as a regular Command

when a dummy command is executed it looks for sub-commands with a matching name as the first argument passed to it

if no command is found then it will say in chat the available sub-commands

but if a command is found it executes that command

say you want a command to greet someone, but you always want to pass the language, you can do this:

from twitchbot import DummyCommand, SubCommand

# cmd_greet does nothing itself when called
cmd_greet = DummyCommand('greet')

@SubCommand(cmd_greet, 'english')
async def cmd_greet_english(msg, *args):
    await msg.reply(f'hello {msg.mention}!')
@SubCommand(cmd_greet, 'spanish')
async def cmd_greet_spanish(msg, *args):
    await msg.reply(f'hola {msg.mention}!')

doing just !greet will make the bot say:

command options: {english, spanish}

doing !greet english will make the bot say this:

hello @johndoe!

doing !greet spanish will make the bot say this:

hola @johndoe!


the default config values are:

  "nick": "nick",
  "oauth": "oauth:",
  "client_id": "CLIENT_ID",
  "prefix": "!",
  "default_balance": 200,
  "loyalty_interval": 60,
  "loyalty_amount": 2,
  "owner": "BOT_OWNER_NAME",
  "channels": [
  "mods_folder": "mods",
  "commands_folder": "commands",
  "command_server_enabled": true,
  "command_server_port": 1337,
  "command_server_host": "localhost",
  "disable_whispers": false,
  "use_command_whitelist": false,
  "send_message_on_command_whitelist_deny": true,
  "command_whitelist": [

oauth is the twitch oauth used to login

client_id is the client_id used to get info like channel title, ect ( this is not required but twitch API info will not be available without it )

nick is the twitch accounts nickname

prefix is the command prefix the bot will use for commands that dont use custom prefixes

default_balance is the default balance for new users that dont already have a economy balance

owner is the bot's owner

channels in the twitch channels the bot will join

loyalty_interval the interval for which the viewers will given currency for watching the stream, gives amount specified by loyalty_amount

loyalty_amount the amount of currency to give viewers every loyalty_interval

command_server_enabled specifies if the command server should be enabled (see Command Server for more info)

command_server_port the port for the command server

command_server_host the host name (address) for the command server

disable_whispers is this value is set to true all whispers will be converted to regular channel messages

use_command_whitelist enabled or disables the command whitelist (see Command Whitelist)

send_message_on_command_whitelist_deny should the bot tell users when you try to use a non-whitelisted command?

command_whitelist json array of commands whitelisted without their prefix (only applicable if Command Whitelist is enabled)


the bot comes default with permission support

there are two ways to manage permissions,

  1. using chat commands
  2. editing JSON permission files

managing permissions using chat commands

to add a permission group: !addgroup <group>, ex: !addgroup donators

to add a member to a group: !addmember <group> <user>, ex: !addmember donators johndoe

to add a permission to a group: !addperm <group> <permission>, ex: !addperm donators slap

to remove a group: !delgroup <group>, ex: !delgroup donators

to remove a member from a group: !delmember <group> <member>, ex: !delmember donators johndoe

to remove a permission from a group: !delperm <group> <permission>, ex: !delperm donators slap

managing permission by editing the configs

find the configs folder the bot generated (will be in same directory as the script that run the bot)

inside you will find config.json with the bot config values required for authentication with twitch and such

if the bot has joined any channels then you will see file names that look like CHANNELNAME_perms.json

for this example i will use a johndoe

so if you open johndoe_perms.json you will see this if you have not changed anything in it:

  "admin": {
    "name": "admin",
    "permissions": [
    "members": [

name is the name of the permission group

permissions is the list of permissions the group has ("*" is the "god" permission, granting access to all bot commands)

members is the members of the group

to add more permission groups by editing the config you can just copy/paste the default one (be sure to remove the "god" permission if you dont them having access to all bot commands)

so after copy/pasting the default group it will look like this (dont forget to separate the groups using ,):

  "admin": {
    "name": "admin",
    "permissions": [
    "members": [
  "donator": {
    "name": "donator",
    "permissions": [
    "members": [

Reloading Permissions

if the bot is running be sure to do !reloadperms to load the changes to the permission file

Command Server

The command server is a small Socket Server the bot host that lets the Command Console be able to make the bot send messages given to it through a console. (see Command Console)

The server can be enabled or disabled through the config (see Config), the server's port and host are specified by the config file

Command Console

If the Command Server is disabled in the config the Command Console cannot be used

The Command Console is used to make the bot send chat messages and commands

To launch the Command Console make sure the bot is running, and the Command Server is enabled in the Config,

after verifying these are done, simply do python command_console.py to open the console, upon opening it you will be prompted to select a twitch channel that the bot is currently connected to.

after choose the channel the prompt changes to (CHANNEL_HERE): and you are now able to send chat messages / commands to the choosen channel by typing your message and pressing enter

Mysql Support

to enabled mysql

  • open configs/mysql.json (if its missing run the bot and close it, this should generate mysql.json)
  • set enabled to true
  • fill in address, username, password, and database
  • install the mysql library (if needed) pip install --upgrade --user mysql-connector-python
  • rerun the bot

Command Whitelist

Command whitelist is a optional feature that only allows certain commands to be used (specified in the config)

it is disabled by default, but can be enabled by setting use_command_whitelist to true in configs/config.json

Command Whitelist limits what commands are enabled / usable on the bot

if a command that is not whitelisted is ran, it will tell the command caller that it is not whitelisted if send_message_on_command_whitelist_deny is set to true, otherwise it will silently NOT RUN the command

whitelisted commands can be edited with the command_whitelist json-array in configs/config.json

to edit the command whitelist, you can add or remove elements from the command_whitelist json-array, do not include the command's prefix, AKA !command becomes command in command_whitelist

To reload the whitelist, restart the bot, or do !reloadcmdwhitelist in your the twitch chat (requires having manage_commands permission)