Log Analysis

newsdb.py is used to connect Postgres and run SQL queries.
news.py contains the basic webpage interface that displays query results.

How to run

Run following commands from terminal:
git clone git@github.com:ZoeVonFeng/FS_LogAnalysis.git
Go into directory that contains all files.
If database is not setup yet, be aware that this application runs on linux with python3 and postgres. If you are not using Vagrant, make sure to run:
sudo -u postgres createdb news before psql -d news -f newsdata.sql

Finally, run:
python3 news.py

At last, open localhost:8000 in your browser to view result.

P.S.: *This applcation is designed on Debian without using Vagrant. Please make sure the PORTNUM is also applied on your own machine for postgre connection. In this case, 5433 is the postgres port number. *