Hand Gesture Controller


This project is based on the Linux system, OpenCV 2.4 and Python3.
The Bluetooth communication required Bluetooth 4.0 on the media devices.

Install OpenCV 2.4.13

Download OpenCV 2.4.13 from link:
https://github.com/opencv/opencv/releases/tag/ Extract opencv-2.4.13 into same directory of hand_annotate folder.

Install Python 3 if it is not already installed

Download the Python 3 and use the installer from: https://www.python.org/downloads/

Setup the main folder

Create the directory:
mkdir ~/prog
Go into the new directory:
cd ~/prog
Pull the git repo:
git clone git@github.com:ZiyiFeng-SJSU/Hand_Gesture_Controlller.git

Connect a media player through Bluetooth of the computer

In Linux Mint, click Menu, in the Preferences find Bluetooth. Turn on Bluetooth and search for the media playe and connect it.


Go to sub-directory:
Run .sh to run
