
This machine learning project aims to predict the popularity of movies by developing a custom algorithm from a non-existing database. The exercise involves working with various data tools to create a machine learning model based on data values generated from scratch.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Sens Critique Machine Learning Project


This machine learning project aims to predict the popularity of movies by developing a custom algorithm from a non-existing database. The exercise involves working with various data tools to create a machine learning model based on data values generated from scratch.

Objective: Create an algorithm to predict the popularity of a movie.

Data Collection

To predict the popularity of movies, data was extracted from four types of websites:

  1. Top 111 Films
  2. Movie description websites
  3. Technical details of each movie's website
  4. Director websites

Python's BeautifulSoup library was utilized for web scraping. The information extracted includes:

  • French titles
  • Ratings by users
  • Duration of films
  • Genres
  • Release date
  • Director information
  • Production details
  • Viewer engagement metrics
  • Director popularity and directed movies' ratings

Data Cleaning and Transformation

During the cleaning process, the steps included:

  • Extracting relevant information
  • Converting data types
  • Handling missing values
  • Creating dummy variables for movie genres
  • Standardizing currency to USD
  • Extracting country information from movie details

The resulting dataset comprises essential features such as movie details, viewer engagement metrics, production details, and director-related information.

Machine Learning Model

The dataset was merged and processed to form the final dataset for machine learning. Columns include:

  • Title of the movie
  • Ratings by website users
  • Release date
  • Duration in minutes
  • Genre dummies
  • Viewer engagement metrics (votes, want-to-see, favourites, comments)
  • Country of movie production
  • Film distributor
  • Budget in USD
  • Director information (name, popularity, directed movies' average ratings)

The dataset is now ready for building and training a machine learning model to predict movie popularity.

Note: The machine learning model creation and training steps are not included in this code snippet.