Java Core Language Learning

I am zoha student of Daffodil International University. In this repo I am going to store my notes, practice files and links. Hope this will help me as well as you to learn java. Feel free to fork and give a pull request.

Java Topics

  1. Basic OOP Concepts
  2. Exception Handling
  3. Java Collection
    • List
    • Stack
    • Queue
    • Set
    • Map
  4. I/O Operation
    • Text I/O
    • Binary I/O
  5. Annotation
  6. JavaFX
  7. Event Driven Programming & Observable
  8. Database Programming
  9. Debugging and Unit Testing
  10. Multithreading and Parallel Programming/Concurrency
  11. Networking

Java 8 Features

  1. Lambda Expression
  2. Method Reference
  3. Stream API & Collector
  4. Nashorn: A Javascript Engine on the JVM

Java 9 Features

  1. Java Platform Module System
  2. Jshell