A curated list of awesome android things, tutorials, libraries and much more at one place.Here you can find references about everything you do while android things application development.
- What is Android Things - A complete explanation about Android Things.
- Developer Kits - Discover the hardware platforms supported by Android Things as well as developer kits.
- Android Things Tutorials — Getting Started - Getting started with Android Things (Android Things Tutorial).
- Get started with Android Things today! - How to install and build your first Android Things application using a Mac and a Raspberry Pi 3.
- Learn about Peripheral I/O - Know about the Peripheral I/O.
- Android Things – Hardware Basics - Hardware Basics for the Software Engineer.
- Creating a driver - Writing your first Android Things driver.
- Architect your Android Things applications - How to architect your Android Things applications?
- New Project Template - Android Things empty project template.
- sample-simplepio - Simple example of Android Things Peripheral I/O APIs.
- sample-simpleui - Android Things Simple UI.
- sample-button - Button and LED sample for Android Things.
- sample-uartloopback - UART Loopback sample for Android Things.
- sample-doorbell - Android Things Doorbell sample.
- sample-weatherstation - Android Things Weather Station sample.
- sample-nativepio - 3 simple examples using native c++ peripheral IO API.
- sample-tensorflow-imageclassifier - Android Things TensorFlow image classifier sample.
- Serial Port Api - A library to access serial ports in Android.
- DoReFindMi - Musical, button combination-finding game for Rainbow HAT for Android Things.
- candle - Simulation of a candle
- native-libandroidthings - Android Things Native Library.
- Robot - Android Things robot, controlled by web interface.
- drivers-sample - Android Things driver samples: RGB LED strip (APA102), Temperature sensor (BMP280), Capacitive touch (CAP12xx), UART GPS, Segment display (HT16k33), Accelerometer (mma7660fc), PWM servo, PWM speaker, SSD1306 OLED display, 4-Digit Segment Display (tm1637), RainbowHat, SenseHat
- 1602 LCD display - 1602 LCD display
- DaSiAnThiLib - HD44870 type displays (via LCM1602), PCF8574(A), PCF8591, Push buttons connected via PCF8574, TCS34725 I2C Colour sensor
- HCSR501 motion sensor - HCSR501 motion sensor
- HMC5883L 3-axis magnetometer - HMC5883L 3-axis magnetometer
- ADXL345 3-axis accelerometer - ADXL345 3-axis accelerometer
- ADXL362 Accelerometer - ADXL362 Accelerometer
- HC-SR04 Ultrasonic UserSensor - HC-SR04 Ultrasonic UserSensor
- Bosh BMP85/BMP180 - Bosh BMP85/BMP180 barometer
- WS2801 - LED strips WS2801
- nupad12 - Numpad with 12 buttons
- ULN2003 - 28BYJ-48 Stepper motor with ULN2003 driver
- MPR121 - Proximity capacitive touch sensor
- A4988 - A4988 stepper motor driver
- Sparkfun - Combined driver for the sparkfun blocks: OLEDBlock, LSM9DS0, UART
- Wiegand 26 - RFID sensor
- Updating it on daily basis as much as possible so that we will be always updated.
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To the extent possible under law, Amit Shekhar has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.
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