Train detect

How to use?

  1. To infer on an image that is stored on your local machine
python --image-path='/path/to/image/'
  1. To infer on a video that is stored on your local machine
python --video-path='/path/to/video/'

Package install

conda create -n XXX python=3.6 conda install numpy conda install -c conda-forge opencv pip install yolov3

To analysis the noise impact for residents besides MRT, this is the new way to get the time period when train passbys by detecting train from video.

  • Using OpenCV to decomposite video to frames and get the images, timestamp from each frame.
  • Using Yolo to detect train, if there is train from the image, then record the timestamp.
  • Output the time period by applying the algorithm to calculate the train passbys' timestamps.