Traffic Predict

python version



// road map

// signal


  • average_precision_score:AP that calculates the predicted value
  • f1_score: Calculate the F1 value, also known as the balanced F-score or F-meature
  • precision_recall_curve:Precision-recall pairs that calculate different probability thresholds
  • precision_score: calculates precision
  • recall_score: calculates recall
  • roc_auc_score:

Traffic Accident Prediction

Data Collection

Data Processing

  • Feature includes accidents location, weather condition, road infrastructure, car and driver information. when accident happen, y = 1
  • Simulate the datasets for the situations that accidents not happen in all conditions, y = 0

Data Training

  • Using Tensorflow to train, the result isn't good enough
  • Using XGboost, the result better.

On the whole, the result is not so good, because the training data set too small and the accuracy of the datasets need to be improved.