Wiki Documentation Reader
Author: Heikki Juva,
Date: 28.06.2013
Description: This program can be used to link project files to wiki-based documentation of the files. Tested with Mediawiki and GitHub-wiki.
- Online wiki-site
- Documenting project files in wiki
- Naming pages with the relative pathname of the file (Relative to project root, the folder that contains wikidoc.conf)
- Python
- Currently this program is only tested in Linux-environment
- You can add handy service menu action for opening the file with wikidoc. To enable this, copy the openwikidoc.desktop-file to your servicemenu-folder. To find out path to this folder run "kde4-config --path services". Better explanation about servicemenu-scripts, see
- If you are using Gnome, check this out:
- Mediawiki gives user to define pagenames with '/'-characters in them. GitHub uses wiki that converts these to '-'. To make this library support different wikis, wikipage_s-config was added. You can define this separation character in wikidoc.conf-file, and the slash is replaced with this character if it's defined.
The operation of this program is following:
- Read target file as argument
- Iterate full path of the file as long as function finds a folder that contains wikidoc.conf-file, this indicates that the folder is project root
- Read wiki location and optional auth parameters from wikidoc.conf-file
- Open wiki-site in browser
Sample project folder structure:
- wikidoc.conf
- /server
- /modules
- sample.php
- /frontend
- frontend.php
- /public
- /css
- /js
- init.js
- /ux
- form.js
- panel.js
- /data
- data.json
Sample wikidoc.conf-file:
wikipage_s: -
Path used for sample.php: /server/modules/sample.php