
class Gold: def init(self, weight_grams, purity): self.weight_grams = weight_grams self.purity = purity

def display_info(self):
    print("Gold Information:")
    print(f"Weight: {self.weight_grams} grams")
    print(f"Purity: {self.purity}%")

class Silver: def init(self, weight_grams, purity): self.weight_grams = weight_grams self.purity = purity

def display_info(self):
    print("Silver Information:")
    print(f"Weight: {self.weight_grams} grams")
    print(f"Purity: {self.purity}%")

Example usage

if name == "main": # Creating an instance of the Gold class gold_sample = Gold(weight_grams=50, purity=99)

# Displaying information about the gold

# Creating an instance of the Silver class
silver_sample = Silver(weight_grams=100, purity=92)

# Displaying information about the silver