import time import random
colors = ["red", "blue", "green", "yellow"]
def stroop_test(): print("Welcome to the Stroop Test!") print("Type the color of the word, not the word itself.") print("Press 'q' to quit.")
correct_answers = 0
total_questions = 0
start_time = time.time()
while True:
word = random.choice(colors)
color = random.choice(colors)
# Print the word in the chosen color
print("\n" + word.upper() + " (in " + color + ")")
response = input("Enter the color: ").lower()
if response == color:
correct_answers += 1
elif response == 'q':
print("Incorrect! The correct color was:", color)
total_questions += 1
end_time = time.time()
time_taken = end_time - start_time
print("\nTest finished!")
print("You answered", correct_answers, "out of", total_questions, "questions correctly.")
print("Time taken:", round(time_taken, 2), "seconds")