Small simple nodejs based Boggle grid solver
After installing nodejs, run:
npm install -g boggle
// ignore any warnings
The spaces between letters are optional, it could be single string with 16 characters. In this case, you don't need quotes:
Case does not matter, characters will be converted to lowercase.
The algorithm iterates over the 2D grid, trying to walk depth first, including diagonally, but not visiting same cell more than once. At each step, the accumulated string is checked against the dictionary. Walking stops and the algorithm backtracks to previous depth level if the string is no longer a valid word or valid word prefix.
// src/boggle.js
var uniqueWords = {};
paths(lowerCased, {
stepWhile: function (str, x, y, grid) {
if (dictionary.isWord(str)) {
// found whole word, maybe there is more!
uniqueWords[str] = true;
return true;
if (dictionary.isWordPrefix(str)) {
// not a word, but possible
return true;
var words = Object.keys(uniqueWords);
words = utils.validWords(words);
To discover paths in the letter grid, I use matrix-paths. While walking through the matrix, I use boggle prefix-dictionary that uses a trie data structure. Trie is a binary search tree that stores words in addition to children links, making word or prefix matching very quick.
To unit and function test the module, execute command
npm test
This might require installing gt testing tool globally
npm install -g gt
To see code complexity (it is very low), run command
npm run-script complexity
This might require installing jsc tool globally
npm install -g jsc
- Use jshint to see possible bugs
- check dictionary initialization (is it a good idea to initialize using a sorted words array)
- hook into trie implementation to store previous prefix query, because we keep asking for same prefix path "h - he - hel - hell - hello".
Author: Gleb Bahmutov © 2013
License: MIT - do anything with the code, but don't blame me if it does not work.
Spread the word: tweet, star on github, click endorse, etc.
Support: if you find any problems with this module, email / tweet / open issue on Github