##js-solver ###algebraic equation solving helper library
npm install js-solver
var Solver = require('js-solver')
<script src='js-solver.js'></script>
var mySolver = new Solver({
a: 'b+c',
b: 'a-c',
c: 'a-c'
b: 2,
c: 3
/* solved for 'a' based on equation
a:5, b:2, c:3
##more in depth example
var triangleSolver = new Solver({
area: 'base*h/2',
c: 'Math.sqrt(Math.pow(a,2)+Math.pow(b,2)) || base/2', //base/2 is an example of a dual-equation definition
a: 'Math.sqrt(Math.pow(c,2)-Math.pow(b,2))',
b: 'Math.sqrt(Math.pow(c,2)-Math.pow(a,2))',
h: 'area*2/base',
base: 'area*2/h'
c: 5,
b: 3,
area: 50,
h: 10
{ c: 5, b: 3, area: 50, h: 10, a: 4, base: 10 }
##Bonus These are also valid equations
'a^2+b^2' //^ == power
'sqrt(c**2-a**2)' //** == power - from python, also notice sqrt, without the Math. in front (see note)
###Valid Math defaults:
abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil co exp floor log pow E PI sin sqrt tan
##notes: The equations are evaled, so be aware of that. Also I used with(Math) to get the math stuff to eval... yeah...