
TEE remote signer base framework

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

RuZTEE Framework

This repository's purpose is to allow the easy build of any OPTEE rust application using the template we provide.

How to use

After having built qemu with optee support, a couple of environment variables are still needed.

Depending on what kind of ARM you have setup QEMU for, either set QEMU_V8 or QEMU_V7 environment variables. Set SHARED_FOLDER to the folder that you want to mount in QEMU to share files between your system and the VM.

If the OPTEE variable is provided (pointing to an optee-qemu installation) it's possible to use make qemu to build qemu (only available for QEMU_V8, v7 not tested yet).

Set REPO to the url to be cloned by git and used as the project's source.

Then proceed to make deps to install the required rust tooling and clone your project's source.

To run, simple make run (or run-debug for added debug arguments)

After logging in the machine via terminal the folder should match the one you set as SHARED_FOLDER, if not you might need to make qemu-clean qemu to rebuild the qemu image


Some crates are presend in this repo under the crates folder. These crates provide wrappers around the OPTEE api.

  • zondee-utee is used by TAs. It provides, among other things, TEEAllocator, TEELogger, TEERng.
  • zondee-teec is used by Host applications. It provides things like Operation to send to the associated TA.
  • zondee-macros has procedural macros used in the above crates
  • zondee contains definitions shared across the above crates, suc has Uuid