
Main Activities (Daily)

  • Update 2 Codeforces problems with different difficulty everyday except Sunday in the file daily_problems/${YYYY}/${MM}/${MMDD}/problems.md with hints.

  • Update the solution to at least 1 of the 2 problems in the file daily_problems/${YYYY}/${MM}/${MMDD}/solution/${problem_code}.md.

  • Categorize the problems by their used methods in the file categories/${method}.md.

How to join

  • Upload your solution in the folder: daily_problems/${YYYY}/${MM}/${MMDD}/personal_submission.

  • Remember to name your submission code file ${problem_code}_{your_name}.{py/cpp/...}.

  • Also, when creating a pull request, please title it ${YYYYMMDD} ${INFO}.


Here are the current statistics of submissions: Link.

Today's Problem

Difficulty Problems Hints Solution
1700 CF954C What can be the difference between two neighboring positions? Editorial
2000 CF490E When filling in the blanks from the first number to the last, you should always write the smallest number possible. Editorial