
Rolling dice app

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Rolling dice game

  1. dice display : The application displays the dice and their current value.
  2. Rolling dice: Users can roll the dice to obtain a new value. value.
  3. Calculate score: The game automatically calculates the player's score based on the dice values.
  4. Turn management: The game allows you to manage players' turns, alternating between players after each throw.
  5. Winner display: The game displays the winning player with the highest score.
  6. Reset game: Users can reset the game to start a new game. a new game.


React + TypeScript + Vite + Tailwind

Why I choose vite over CRA ?

  • faster spin-up of dev server
  • less waiting time for file updates
  • improve build performance


  • step 1: install package
  • step 2: npm run dev or bun dev or yarn dev to launch locally

📑 Improvement:

  • Make rolling asynchronous ***
  • Type improvement (with zod) and complete missing type
  • Using specific algorithm for dice rolling, actually the first player have more chance to gain
  • shuffle player to trough first
  • Add posibilities to play against the computer
  • Improve UI & UX
  • setup linter