
a description of how to deploy a haskell web app with an SPA to heroku (mostly so that I do not forget)

How to deploy a haskell server with an SPA front end to heroku

This took me a while to go through when i was working it out and there was no straight up tutorial so I thought I'd write a quick one.

This is based on a haskell application / server built with stack and an SPA that uses npm to get the compiler / transpiler and stuff (I think that's all of them?).

Assumptions this makes:

  • you know how to use npm and the build tools for whatever SPA you're using
  • you know how to use stack
  • you know how to use heroku

If the above are not true for you then it's ok because they are well-documented and google-able.

  1. make your haskell app using stack new maybe with a template or something.
  2. go into your new haskell project and initialise it as a node project (in the root) using npm init.
  3. now you have a package.json in the root of your haskell project - feels weird right?
  4. make it into a git repo - git init
  5. add any deps for the SPA to the package.json - maybe it's an elm front end so you add elm to it. Or maybe it's purescript so you add purescript and spago to the dependencies. I trust you to know what you need.
  6. create your front end stuff in a sub directory, we'll be calling it client.
  7. get writing some code and set up your server to serve the client/build directory (or whatever it's called in your case), and get it to use the PORT environment variable for the port it runs on.
  8. create a heroku app and add the heroku buildpack for stack and the node js buildpack to the project.
heroku create --buildpack https://github.com/mfine/heroku-buildpack-stack.git

heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/heroku/heroku-buildpack-nodejs
  1. add a postinstall script to the package.json in the root that does all of the compilation jazz for your SPA. So it could be something like
  "postinstall": "cd client && elm make Main.elm --output="./build/index.html"
  1. push your stuff up to heroku.
git push heroku master
  1. marvel at your deployed app.

If there's something I could / should change send a PR or and issue