
Hipchat appender for log4net

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

#Log4Net HipChat Appender

This appender will write log4net log messages to HipChat through their public api. This project is heavily inspired by hatchet-hipchat


As is common with all log4net appenders this can be configured using an xml a basic configuration might look like.

<appender name="HipChatAppender" type="Log4NetHipChatAppender.Appender, Log4NetHipChatAppender">
  <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
    <conversionPattern value="%logger - %message"/>
  <AuthToken value="YOUR_AUTH_KEY" />
  <RoomId value="YOUR_ROOM" />
  <SenderName value="YOUR_LOGGER" />

There are a number of required values

  • AuthToken (string) - The api key from HipChat
  • RoomId (string) - The room for the messages to be logged to
  • SenderName (string) - The name which the messages will appear from

And optionally

  • UseEmotions (boolean - default:False) - To enable emotions as detailed below
  • Content DEBUG
  • Wat INFO
  • Oh crap WARN
  • Oh my god ERROR
  • Boom FATAL
  • Notify (boolean - default:False) - To ensure the message is sent with a notification to HipChat users in the room
  • Synchronous (boolean - default:False) - Ensures that the main application thread is not blocked by running messages through a background thread.

Known issues

When running in Asynchronous mode in order to prevent blocking the working thread with a web request this appender will create a background child thread, so log messages may be logged in an indeterminate order.