
  • create an inventory file (e.g. hosts or hosts.yaml) that holds the remote hosts that ansible will handle.
  • run
ansible -m ping all

to check connectivity

  • run testing environment
cd vagrant
vagrunt up
vagrant ssh-config >> ~/.ssh/config
  • run a playbook
ansible-playbook -l database playbooks/database.yml


  • create a file that holds the secret
touch playbooks/vars/api_key.yml
  • encrypt the file
ansible-vault encrypt playbooks/vars/api_key.yml
  • run task that needs this file
ansible-playbook playbooks/use-api-key.yaml --ask-vault-pass

and you will be asked to provide the password

  • edit the encrypoted file with
ansible-vault edit playbooks/vars/api_key.ym
  • use stored password to decrypt create a file that holds the password with 600 permissions
vim ~/.ansible/vault_pass.txt
chmod 600 ~/.ansible/vault_pass.txt
ansible-playbook playbooks/use-api-key.yaml --vault-password-file  ~/.ansible/vault_pass.txt

Create self-signed certificates

cd files/certs
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout server.key -out server.crt -days 365 --nodes -subj '/C=GR/O=myorganization/OU=it/'

notice that crt and key files are added to .gitignore

  • postgres install postgresql role
ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.postgresql


ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.docker
ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.pip


ansible-galaxy install geerlingguy.jenkins
ansible-galaxy install
