
A simple boilerplate for a Front-end web development, powered by Sass and Flexbox.

Primary LanguageSCSS


A simple boilerplate for Front-end web development, powered by Gulp (version 3.x.x.), Sass and Flexbox.


This version of boilerplate uses Gulp v3.x.x. If you have Gulp 4 on machine this won't work and it needs to be adjusted!


This version is compatible with Node v10.x.x., NPM v6.x.x. and Gulp v3.x.x.


Once you have files simple go to console and open directory where you unpacked files. You will need NPM for this so if you are not familiar with NPM, please read about it on NPM documentation. So, you need to run npm install to get all of the dependencies. Once NPM installs everything needed, run gulp and your assets are generated. Gulp will generate directory assets with CSS, combined and compressed Javascript and will copy all images, fonts, etc.

It is handy to have watcher while you change your code, so if you want this simple run gulp watch. When you finish the project and want to build assets for production, run gulp build.

You can configure and adjust Gulp in gulpfile.js.


Configuration is possible (and recommended) through _variables.scss file located under sass/abstracts/ directory. Besides variables that contain settings for fonts, color, default margin and padding values, you will find also variables for image and font path. Besides these variables, you will find variables that are related to the grid system, so you can change settings like a number of columns, gap and breakpoints.


There are two main containers in use: .container (which has fixed width) and .container-fluid (which has 100% of parent's width). If you want to have several breakpoints on known screen resolutions (widths) you will use .container. It is handy when you want to be in control of elements dimensions, aspect ratios, etc. If you want to always have 100% of parent's width occupied you will use .container-fluid.

Grid system

The grid consists of a row, columns and gaps.


The row is a mandatory element which wraps columns. The row is defined with class .row and it can be extended with several classes which will give different settings to the whole row and its children:

  • .reverse - reorder children inside a row
  • .start - align items to the beginning (left)
  • .center - align items to the center
  • .end - align items to the end (right)
  • .top - align items to the top
  • .middle - align items to the middle
  • .bottom - align items to the bottom
  • .stretch - force items to have the same height
  • .between - make equal space/distance between the elements
  • .around - make space/distance between the elements


A column is a basic unit that forms a grid. FE-boilerplate-2 uses 12-columns grid, although it can be changed through configuration file (look for $grid-columns in _variables.scss). The column can be defined with a different set of classes which will be active on certain breakpoint (width of the screen), so you can chain classes in order to have different behavior on different screen width. The default set of classes are the ones with -lg. Saying that FE-boilerplate-2 is NOT based on mobile-first approach, but on desktop-first. So, column (element) will be always defined as, for example, .col-lg-5. That means that given column will occupy 5/12 of parent's width. If you want this element to occupy, let say 8/12 on mobile, you will use .col-lg-5 col-xs-8. In this way, you are in control of each element on each screen size.

If you don't want to use defined widths of elements, you can use col-auto that will distribute widths of all elements equal to the parent's width.

When you want to use offset, there are the same set of classes that define how much element will be offset. For example, the element with class .col-lg-4 col-lg-offset-2 will have (on a large screen) width of 4/12 and it will have left margin 2/12. If you want to redefine this on, for example, the tablet you will use .col-lg-4 col-lg-offset-2 col-sm-offset-3. This means that element will change its left margin on tablet and instead of 2/12 it will become 3/12.

If you want to unset offset just use .col-md-offset-0, for example. That means that offset on the element will be ignored on medium screen size and all lower screen sizes.


The gap is a space between two columns. Each column has half of total space between columns on its left and right, so two columns create a gap that is defined in _variables.scss where you can adjust gap size if needed. Variable in charge for that is $grid-column-gutter.


FE-boilerplate-2 comes with a collection of Sass mixins that are often used and needed in order to follow DRY principle.