
This repo attemts to solve some pitfalls with MySQL server Fedora setup (as a representative of a MySQL general Linux distros) and some MySQL clients' setups as well

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

MySQL Linux Environment

A bit about SQL native "language". SQL "language" is not a true programming language, rather a set of rules formulated as kind of a scripting language.

This repo attemts to solve some pitfalls with MySQL server Fedora setup (as a representative of a MySQL general Linux distros) and some MySQL clients' setups as well.

There are also some clients' examples presented in this repo.

I installed the native MySQL client called PopSQL. I also installed another MySQL client based on Python3's connector using pip (phyton installer program) as an installer.

What is a pip? A package-management system written in Python and it is used to install and manage software packages. The Python Software Foundation recommends using pip for installing Python applications and its dependencies during deployment.

I hope this repo will help to the MySQL beginners (as it helps me as a general vague documentation).

To start MySQL course for the beginners/novices, please, watch the following video (an excellent MySQL course from Mike Dane):

	(0:00) Introduction
	(2:36) What is a Database?
	(23:10) Tables & Keys
	(43:31) SQL Basics
	(52:26) MySQL Windows Installation
	(1:01:59) MySQL Mac Installation
	(1:15:49) Creating Tables
	(1:31:05) Inserting Data
	(1:38:17) Constraints
	(1:48:11) Update & Delete
	(1:56:11) Basic Queries
	(2:08:37) Company Database Intro
	(2:14:05) Creating Company Database
	(2:30:27 ) More Basic Queries
	(2:26:24) Functions
	(2:45:13) Wildcards
	(2:53:53) Union
	(3:01:36) Joins
	(3:11:49) Nested Queries
	(3:21:52) On Delete
	(3:30:05) Triggers
	(3:42:12) ER Diagrams Intro
	(3:55:53) Designing an ER Diagram
	(4:08:34) Converting ER Diagrams to Schemas

As my genuine signature, I will try to maintain this repo as the set of the rolling updates (in this fashion) thru the Time.
