
Bancho server for Designed for Osu! b222

Primary LanguageC#

OSU b222 bancho


its been 2 months since development start and one month since last update, i decided there is no point of making server for only one version and on custom http framework while osu was designed to use PHP, since last 2 days i've started working on new server in PHP but this time it supports every client using http to communicate(b70-b222) and it is more stable than this so, i recommend using the PHP "rewrite" instead of this

Whats working?

Logging in and verifying password with database
Global Scores
Loading Players Stats(From database)
submiting scores


Move everything to mysql DONE
Add score submitting DONE
make api
make frontend
Documentation of Osu! b222 protcol
Make server stable
Add Replay Handler(sending on submit, and accessing it from global tops)
Make beatmap status(Ranked, non ranked, waiting, need to update)
Add Total Accuracy
Implement Basic IRC

How to Compile, if you don't want just download build from releases

  1. Download Repo, and open .sln in visual studio
  2. Download the LibHTTP and compile it/download from releases
  3. Add LibHTTP to References
  4. download Mysql.data package from NuGET
  5. Compile Server(Recommended configuration is DEBUG|X64)
  6. go to compiled binary and run it
  7. now u need to redirect the osu endpoints to localhost there are several ways to do that such as Fiddler Script, Hosts file, Patching Client but the easiest one is to just use ultimate-osu-server-switcher
  8. go to SERVER_IP:80/register to create your account
  9. open osu and enjoy ps: db scheme comes with 2 maps ranked https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/118 - Every level ranked https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1 - every level ranked

