
An application that lets an organization collect ideas, comment on them, and vote them up.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Build Status

Idea-Box is a django app for collecting and surfacing ideas from users, in the vein of IdeaScale, IdeaX, and Django Voice. Idea-Box differs from these projects in its minimal, easily integrate-able interface. Idea-Box also takes a strong stance on transparency, such that ideas, votes, etc. are tied to specific users.


  • Searching
  • Idea Submission
  • Tagging (via taggit)
  • Voting
  • Comments
  • Listing by recent, comment count, vote count
  • Separate state for archived ideas
  • Customizable banner for specific campaigns

Screen shot

Idea Profile


  • django (1.5.4) - This is a django app, so you need django.

  • django-haystack (2.0.0) - A mapper between django models and search backends.

  • pyelasticsearch - Library for communicating with elasticsearch.

  • django-taggit - A library for Tags within django

  • mock - A library for creating mock objects for testing.

  • south - A library for schema and data migrations.

  • elasticsearch - A Search backend. Unfortunately, we currently require elasticsearch (rather than another backend) because we need specific functionality that haystack doesn't give us direct access to. Eventually, we'll get a pull request to haystack which will reduce our elasticsearch requirement.


Settings File

Modify your settings file to add the following apps:

  • django.contrib.comments
  • haystack
  • idea

You will also need to configure haystack. See the haystack documentation

If you'd prefer to take the quick route, add the following to your settings.py:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'haystack.backends.elasticsearch_backend.ElasticsearchSearchEngine',
        'URL': '',
        'INDEX_NAME': 'haystack',

If you are going that route, make sure that you have a search_sites.py module in the root of your project with something like the following:

import haystack

Folder Structure

You will need to get the contents of the src/idea directory into your django project. The simplest way to do this might be a symbolic link.

  |- idea/      (includes models.py, views.py, etc.)
  |- mydjango_project/ (settings.py, url.py, etc.)
  |- manage.py
  |- etc etc etc


Add the idea.urls, haystack.urls, and comments.urls to you url.py. For example:

if 'idea' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and \
        'django.contrib.comments' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS and\
        'haystack' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
    urlpatterns.append(url(r'^haystack/', include('haystack.urls')))
    urlpatterns.append(url(r'^idea/', include('idea.urls')))


You will need to have elasticsearch installed and running. You can use this guide to install it.


From your project root, synchronize and migrate the new apps.

$ python ./manage.py syncdb --noinput --migrate


A basic set of templates has been provided. The 'base.html' template should probably be overwritten into something less basic for a better user experience.

If users in the system have a profile module specified our templates will use this to link users to a profile page. This is specified through the AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE setting. Your profile module will also have to specify a get_absolute_url() method.


To use buildout, run the following:

$ pip install zc.buildout distribute
$ buildout

Then, run the django binary in the bin directory.

Campaign Banner

To create a campaign banner, use django's administrative page to add a Banner model. The text field will be displayed at the top of the Idea-Box idea listing page. The banner will only be displayed between Start Date and End Date (or indefinitely after the Start Date if the End Date is empty.)