
Example Repo for Coding Challenge

Primary LanguageShell

Insight Data Engineering - Coding Challenge

For this coding challenge, you will develop tools that could help analyze the community of Twitter users. For simplicity, the features we will build are primitive, but you could easily build more complicated features on top of these.

Challenge Summary

This challenge is to implement two features:

  1. Calculate the total number of times each word has been tweeted.
  2. Calculate the median number of unique words per tweet, and update this median as tweets come in.

For example, suppose the following three tweets come in, one after the other

  • is #bigdata finally the answer to end poverty? @lavanyarathnam http://ow.ly/o8gt3 #analytics
  • interview: xia wang, astrazeneca on #bigdata and the promise of effective healthcare #kdn http://ow.ly/ot2uj
  • big data is not just for big business. on how #bigdata is being deployed for small businesses: http://bddy.me/1bzukb3 @cxotodayalerts #smb

The first feature would produce the following total count for each word:

#analytics  				1
#bigdata 					3
#kdn 						1
#smb 						1
@cxotodayalerts 			1
@lavanyarathnam 			1
and 						1
answer  					1
astrazeneca 				1
being 						1
big 						2
business. 					1 
businesses: 				1
data 						1
deployed 					1
effective 					1
end 						1
finally 					1
for 						2
healthcare 					1
how 						1
http://bddy.me/1bzukb3  	1
http://ow.ly/o8gt3 	 		1
http://ow.ly/ot2uj  		1
interview: 					1
is  						3
just 						1
not 						1
of 							1
on 							2
poverty? 					1
promise 					1
small 						1
the  						2
to  						1
wang,						1
xia 						1

For the second feature, the number of unique words in each tweet is 11, 14, and 17 (since the words 'is', 'big', and 'for' appear twice in the third tweet). This means that the list of unique words per tweet is {11} after the first tweet arrives, is {11, 14} after the second tweet arrives, and is {11, 14, 17} after all three tweets arrive. Thus, the second feature would produce the following output:


Recall that the median of a set with an even number of items is the mean of the two middle elements (e.g. the median of {11, 14} is 12.5). In this challenge we have made a few assumptions to make things simpler:

  • Each tweet only contains lowercase letters, numbers, and ASCII characters like ':', '@', and '#'.
  • A word is defined as anything separated by whitespace.

Note that the output of the first feature is outputted in order, according to the ASCII Code.

Details of Implementation

We'd like you to implement your own version of these two features. However, we don't want this challenge to focus on the relatively uninteresting data cleaning and munging. Normally, tweets can be obtained through Twitter's API in JSON format and the "payload" text is parsed, but you may assume that this has already been done and written to a file named 'tweets.txt' inside a directory named 'tweet_input'. For simplicity, this file 'tweets.txt' will only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and ASCII characters (e.g. common punctuation and characters like '@', and '#'). Additionally, 'tweets.txt' will have the content of each tweet on a newline:


Contents of first tweet  
Contents of second tweet  
Contents of third tweet  
Contents of last tweet  

Your program should output the results of this first feature to a text file named ft1.txt in a directory named tweet_output. In order for your submission to be checked, it needs to output the results of your first feature in order, according to the ASCII Code, as shown in the above example. For simplicity, treat all punctuation as part of the word itself, so 'business.' would be counted as a different word than 'business' without the period.

Ideally, the second feature that updates the median as each tweet arrives would be connected to the Twitter streaming API and would add new tweets to the end of 'tweets.txt'. However, connecting to the this API requires more system specific "dev ops" work, which isn't the primary focus for data engineers. Instead, you should simply assume that each new line of the text file corresponds to a new tweet and design your program to handle a text file with a large number of tweets. Your program should output the results of this second feature to a text file named ft2.txt in the tweet_output directory.

You may write your solution in any mainstream programming language such as C, C++, C#, Clojure, Erlang, Go, Haskell, Java, Python, Ruby, or Scala - then submit a link to a Github repo with your source code. In addition to the source code, the top-most directory of your repo must include the tweet_input and tweet_output directories, and a shell script named run.sh that compiles and runs the program(s) that implement these features. If your solution requires additional libraries, environments, or dependencies, you must specify these in your README documentation. See the figure below for the required structure of the top-most directory in your repo, or simply clone this repo.

Example Repo Structure

Alternatively, here is example output of the 'tree' command:

├── README.md  
├── run.sh  
├── src  
│   ├── median_unique.py  
│   └── words_tweeted.py  
├── tweet_input  
│   └── tweets.txt  
└── tweet_output  
    ├── ft1.txt  
    └── ft2.txt  

As a data engineer, it’s important that you write clean, well-documented code that scales for large amounts of data. For this reason, it’s important to ensure that your solution works well for a huge number of tweets, rather than just the simple examples above. For example, your solution should be able to process a file containing a week of tweets without taking much longer than processing only an hour of tweets. For more details about the implementation, please refer to FAQ below or email us at info@insightdataengineering.com


Here are some common questions we've received. If you have additional questions, feel free fork this repo, add them to the README.md, then issue a pull request. Alternatively, you can email info@insightdataengineering.com and we'll add the answers.

  • Which Github link should I submit?
    You should submit the URL for the top-level root of your repository. For example, this repo would be submitted by copying the URL https://github.com/InsightDataScience/cc-example into the appropriate field on the application. Please do NOT try to submit your coding challenge using a pull request, which will make your source code publicly available.

  • May I use R or other analytics programming languages to solve the challenge?
    While you may use any programming language to complete the challenge, it's important that your implementation scales to handle large amounts of data. Many applicants have found that R is unable to process data in a scalable fashion, so it may be more practical to use another language.

  • May I use distributed technologies like Hadoop or Spark?
    While you're welcome to use any language or technology, it will be tested on a single machine so there may not be a significant benefit to using these technologies prior to the program. With that said, learning distributed systems would be a valuable skill for all data engineers.

  • What sort of system should I use to run my program on (Windows, Linux, Mac)?
    You may write your solution on any system, but your code should be portable and work on all systems. You should also specify your environment and system in your accompanying README file.

  • How should punctuation be handled?
    Please don't worry about punctuation for this challenge. In theory, you could spend a lot of time in details related to natural language processing (NLP), but this isn't the intended focus for the challenge. The only "punctuation" you need to worry about are whitespaces, which are the delimiters between words.

  • Can I use pre-built packages, modules, or libraries?
    Yes, you may use any publicly available package, module, or library as long as you document any dependencies in your accompanying README file. When we review your submission, we will download these libraries and attempt to run your program. This is why it's very important that you document any dependencies or system specific details in your accompanying README file. However, you should always ensure that the module you're using works efficiently for the specific use-case in the challenge, many libraries are not designed for large amounts of data.

  • Do I need to use multi-threading?
    No, your solution doesn't necessarily need to include multi-threading - there are many solutions that don't require multiple threads/cores or any distributed systems.

  • What should the format of the word count be?
    Please try to match the above example, by listing the words in alphabetical order according the the ASCII ordering, with whitespace between the word and count, and each word separated by a newline.

  • What should the precision for the output of the median be?
    For simplicity, please output the running median as a double with only 1 digit after the decimal (i.e. 2.0 instead of 2). The median for each new tweet of text should be separated by newlines as shown in the example above.

  • Do I need to account for complicated Unicode characters?
    No, you may assume that all of the characters are conventional, ASCII characters.

  • Should I check if the files in the input directory are text files or non-text files(binary)?
    No, for simplicity you may assume that all of the files in the input directory are standard text files.

  • Do I need to account for empty tweets?
    No, for simplicity you may assume that all the tweets contain at least one word.

  • Do I need separate programs for different features?
    You may use a single combined program or several programs, as long as they are all executed by the run.sh script.

  • Can I use an IDE like Eclipse to write my program?
    Yes, you can use what ever tools you want - as long as your run.sh script correctly runs the relevant target files and creates the ft1.txt and ft2.txt files in the tweet_output directory.

  • What should be in the tweet_input directory?
    You can put any text file you want in the directory. In fact, this could be quite helpful for testing your solutions.

  • How will the coding challenge be evaluated?
    Generally, we will evaluate your coding challenge with a testing suite that provides a variety of input tweets and checks the corresponding output. This suite will attempt to use your 'run.sh' and is fairly tolerant to different output formats. Of course, there are many aspects that cannot be tested by our suite, so each submission will be reviewed by a person as well.

  • How long will it take for me to hear back from you about my submission?
    We receive hundreds of submissions and try to evaluate them all in a timely manner. We try to get back to all applicants within two or three weeks of submission, but if you have a specific deadline that requires expedited review, you may email us at info@insightdataengineering.com.