Furniture E-commerce store project
- aborcontroller
- remove formik
- remove yup
- move select to its own chunk
- /api/furniture changed for GET from POST
- mobile menu points should not come from backend
- remove /private prefix
- unify success messages
- switch to prisma + postgres
- profile picture?
- refactor server api
- image compressing
- should add notfound page
- redirect to 404
- should get all colors and brands from backend in aside
- should add logging when accessing a route
- redux should get user's info right after login
- /login should return user data (think of which)
- decide whether should do login if there is token
- should redirect to login after register (modals comes in)
- image name before uploads is incorrect
- login returns image buffer but should not
- remove cart and orders requests, they come with login
- merge favorites reducer into user reducer
- after submit image icon is not changing
- display orders
- should display rating
- should refine items' color and dimensions in cart
- cart item is not being removed from redux
- removing from favorites does not remove from redux
- mark cart and favorites icons
- when not logged in items are not being added to cart
- catalog aside close
- productcard on buy nothing happens (should add to cart)
- productcard select is not working
- productcard should display colors in select (did in a row)
- product shoul be added to cart with colors
- getOrders is not being used?
- after making order it is not dissappearing from cart
- should redirect to orders when making order
- profile request should not be sent if there is no changes
- should add feature to cancel order
- /login sends back empry orders
- /product buy again removes it from cart
- isolate image preparing logic (and sending user data maybe? (/login & GET /user ))
- should refactor styles
- add logging in protect (and refactor it)
- add rewrite from /uploads to server
- implement message from user
- inject prisma client
- change api to
, etc... - substitute types from prisma/client insteead of hand made types
- should show snackbars when error is occured
- handle something went wrong when updating profile
- should add search
- user should have the ability to choose whether he wants to recieve emails ("wantsToReceiveEmailUpdates": boolean)
- add remaining products
- mark in swagger which id to send
- /login swagger edit response types
- at the start two equal api call
in catalog - add reviews
- redesign successfull signup popup
- profile popup
recieve emails
is without scroll lock - profile should not send request if none of the fields is edited
- refactor styles
- profile email form error message is shown but border is not
- product 404 if undefined
- profile tabs borders design
- should add mobile user menu
- should only upload
files - profile should redirect to login if not authorized
- catalog items loader should be centered
- favorites label should be in english
- profile no loading while updating
- should implement github-ci
- add universal button component to set type, title, aria-label automatically
- check for z-indexes everywhere
- /contacts form redesign
- should disable buttons and inputs while making submit requests