JS Web september 2021
This repository contains tasks resolved with JavaScript. The JS Web Module (sep 2021 - dec 2021) contains two courses - JS Back-End and ReactJS which are part of the Software Engineer program at Software University, Bulgaria.
About the Module
JavaScript is unique in that it allows the same programming language and tools for the back-end and front-end of an application. In the "JS Web" module, you'll learn about developing server-side applications with Node.js and Express.js, as well as some of today's most popular technologies for building user interfaces. The module will also address the architecture and structuring of Single Page Applications and retrieving data from a REST service via queries. During the training we will understand how to create a server with Node.js, we will learn the server-client architecture and how to make easy and fast data-driven web applications with Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB using modern concepts and tools. Views and templates for data visualization (templates), models, components, data binding, working with multiple views, routing, extracting data from a REST service, and many others are studied. The module emphasizes many hands-on exercises that involve you in real-world web development projects, implementing site fragments, and creating complete modern websites with a good look, modern structure, and mobile support.
- What is a Web Server?
- Basic knowledge of the HTTP protocol
- Server applications with Node.JS
- Working with non-relational databases
- Creating an MVC architecture
- Building apps with Express and Handlebars
- Component-based applications
- What is a Single Page Application?
- Basic knowledge of React and JSX
- Client applications with React
- Working with remote REST services
- Working with templates and routing
Courses and Topics
JS Back-End septmber 2021 | ReactJS november 2021 |
14.09.2021 ✔️ Intro to Node.js | 02.11.2021 ✔️ Intro to React and JSX |
18.09.2021 ✔️ Node.js Streams and Utilities | 05.11.2021 ✔️ Components: Basic Idea |
21.09.2021 ✔️ ExpressJS and Templating | 09.11.2021 ✔️ Components: Deep Dive |
24.09.2021 ✔️ Workshop: ExpressJS and Templating | 12.11.2021 ✔️ Workshop: Components |
28.09.2021 ✔️ NoSQL and MongoDB | 16.11.2021 ✔️ Routing |
02.10.2021 ✔️ Workshop: MongoDB and Mongoose | 19.11.2021 ✔️ Workshop: Single-Page Application |
05.10.2021 ✔️ Session and Authentication | 23.11.2021 ✔️ Forms |
08.10.2021 ✔️ Workshop: Session and Authentication | 26.11.2021 ✔️ React Hooks |
12.10.2021 ✔️ Validation and Error Handling | 30.11.2021 ✔️ Workshop: Authentication |
15-19.10.2021 ✔️ Exam Preparation | 03.12.2021 ✔️ Advanced Techniques |
22.10.2021 ✔️ Workshop: REST API | 07.12.2021 ✔️ Workshop: Advanced Techniques - Part 1 |
... | 10.12.2021 ✔️ Workshop: Advanced Techniques - Part 2 |
Duration of module: 4 months (14/09/2021 - 10/12/2021)
Credits: 30
- Ivaylo Papazov - Competencies: Front-end, JavaScript, Node.js, React. (Lecturer at SoftUni and Senior Full-stack Web Developer at Motion Software)