
  • This is a Discord bot that will provide a QR Code to your Axie Infinity scholars.

  • This version of the bot is compatible with ronin!

  • If you want to use it with Ethereum information instead:

In submitSignaure function, change "mainnet":"ronin" to "mainnet":"ethereum"


  1. Run Ubuntu on AWS ec2 instance
  2. Clone the file by running:
  • git clone https://github.com/ZracheSs-xyZ/QrCodeBot-xyZ
  1. Install the requierements by running in to correct path:
  • chmod +x install-ubuntu.sh
  • sudo ./install-ubuntu.sh
  1. Follow this tutorial to create and add a bot to your Discord Server:
  • https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/discord.html
  1. Update the SecretStorage.py file in repo with the Token of your bot and with the information of your scholars.
  2. Run the script by running in to correct path:
  • python3 ./QrCodeBot-xyZ.py

Step-by-step help

Upcoming new features

bug to fix

  • Current time isn't displayed correcly
  • Fix edge case where the bot could send a wrong code
  • This could've happen in extreme edge cases where a lot of scholars were asking for a code simultaniously and axie server didn't respond in a timely manner!
  • This was fixed by making sure every QRCode was saved using the scholars DiscordUUID

Please tell me if you experience any bugs...


With your donation, I will be able to keep working on this project and add new features. Thank you!

  • Ronin Wallet Address: ronin:a04d88fbd1cf579a83741ad6cd51748a4e2e2b6a
  • Ethereum Wallet Address: 0x3C133521589daFa7213E5c98C74464a9577bEE01


If you need help with setup or you have any question, please reach out to me!