
typed Javacord commands

Primary LanguageJava

License GitHub Workflow Status (branch)


This library aims to provide a typed wrapper for creating Application Commands and Message Components using extendable class structures.


Add the Jitpack repository to your build file


Release artifact



As this library is tied directly to Javacord, packages will be released based on the version of Javacord and extended by an additional build version, which will only indicate that something in this library has changed. So for the version 3.8.0 of Javacord, this library will be released in version 3.8.0.X. This library will always release a matching version of Javacord, even if there are no changes to this libraries code.

Basic Usage

Make sure you register the current DiscordApi with Javachord by using Javachord.Instance.Get.register() method as in the example below

private DiscordApi _discord;
private final String _token = System.getProperty("token");
private final long _serverId = Long.parseLong(System.getProperty("serverId"));

public void start() {
    _discord = new DiscordApiBuilder()
                    , Intent.GUILD_MEMBERS
                    , Intent.GUILD_MESSAGES
                    , Intent.GUILD_BANS
                    , Intent.GUILD_INVITES
                    , Intent.GUILD_PRESENCES
                    , Intent.MESSAGE_CONTENT
    var server = _discord.getServerById(_serverId).get();
    Javachord.Instance.Get.register(_discord, server);
    System.out.printf("Discord bot successfully initialized with ID %s%n", _discord.getYourself().getIdAsString());

Javachord components will register themselves globally as soon as they get created.