It's a form validator, what do you expect? It validates fields. :)
- blurValidations(form, options); // will trigger blur/click/change validations on the elements inside the form.
- validateFormField(field, options); // will validate the provided field and return true if valid.
- validateForm(form, options); // will validate all form fields inside the given form.
The parameter named form, does not need to be a form. Can be any element on which you want to validate the form elements it contains. The paremeter field should be a valid form field (input[type='text'],input[type='password'],input[type='email'],input[type='file'],input[type='checkbox'],input[type='radio'],textarea,select) The parameter options can have the following values:
- validateHiddenFields: to validate any fields that are not visible in the form - default: false
- showErrorMessage: to show an error message underneath the field - default: false
- dumbValidations: if you feel like the users might be really dumb, these validations will help (mostly on email fields) - default: false
<div id="thisIsAForm">
<div class="floating-label fieldHolder noPadding">
<input type="text" id="email" data-empty-error-message="Please enter your First Name" class="validEmail required" />
<label for="email">Email</label>
<script type="text/javascript">
// Validate single field
validateFormField($("#email"), { showErrorMessage: true, dumbValidations: true });
// Validate the entire form
validateForm($("#thisIsAForm"), { showErrorMessage: true, dumbValidations: true });
// Trigger on blur validations to this form
blurValidations($("#thisIsAForm"), { showErrorMessage: true, dumbValidations: true });
Just as simple as this.
- checkIfValidNameFieldWithObj(element); // Pass an input to check if the value is a valid name (basic regex to check for numbers and stuff that don't belong in a name).
- checkIfValidPhoneNumberFieldWithObj(element); // Pass an input to check if the value is a valid phone number (If the field has an attribute named "data-phone-regex", this regex will be used).
- checkIfValidNumberFieldWithObj(element); // Pass an input to check if the value is a valid number field (If the field has an attribute named "data-number-regex", this regex will be used).
- checkIfValidCVVFieldWithObj(element); // Pass an input to check if the value is a valid cvv number (If the field has an attribute named "data-cvv-regex", this regex will be used).
- checkIfEmailFieldhasAtSign(element); // Pass an input to check if the value contains an @ symbol.
- checkIfEmailFieldhasValidLength(element); // Pass an input to check if the value is less than the valid length (If the field has an attribute named "data-length-number", this number will be used).
- checkIfValidEmailFieldWithObj(element); // Pass an input to check if the value is a valid email (If the field has an attribute named "data-email-regex", this regex will be used).
- checkIfStrongPasswordWithObj(element); // Pass an input to check if the value is a strong password (If the field has an attribute named "data-pw-regex", this regex will be used).
- isNotEmptyWithObj(element); // Pass an input to check if has value.
- isNullOrEmpty(string); // Pass a string to check if is null or empty.
- hasAttribute(element, attribute); // Pass an element and a attribute name to check if the element has that attribute.
- scrollToElement(element, offset, callback); // A bonus, will scroll the page to the given element, offset will accept an int with the offset you wanna give to the scrolling, and a callback, you know, just in case.
- previewFile(imgControlId, fuControlId); // Receives an img element and a file input to render the selected file in the image.
Hope it's helpful. I know it's very helpful for me :D