[CVPR 2023] Parameter is Not All You Need: Starting from Non-Parametric Networks for 3D Point Cloud Analysis
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When I added pointNN to my network, not only did the speed of the network slow down, but the accuracy also decreased!
#37 opened by ifiability - 1
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Not able to install pointnet2_ops_libs, I am on ubuntu 22.04. What could be the reason
#38 opened by mujtabaasad - 4
#9 opened by Aron-max1 - 1
Can you provide the code for plug-and-play modules to apply to pointmlp?Thanks a lot.
#17 opened by lostopt - 0
Thank you for your excellent work. When will the segmentation code of PN be released?
#36 opened by OkLetsGoi - 4
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Thank you for your contributions! I found an error that unrecognized arguments: -- split 1 in run_pn_scan
#35 opened by Carina233 - 0
Thank you for your contributions. Could you elaborate on how integrating PointNN with VoteNet enhances its effectiveness? Additionally, would it be possible for you to share the code related to this integration? I'm keen to learn more about this aspect. Thank you.
#34 opened by Ryze-jo - 1
#22 opened by wjiangsheng - 0
RuntimeError: invalid argument 5: k not in range for dimension at C:/w/b/windows/pytorch/aten/src\THC/generic/THCTensorTopK.cu:24
#32 opened by Zd-hub - 5
#8 opened by EntaoChen - 3
关于复现point pn seg网络
#28 opened by kaka-ice - 0
#31 opened by Everglowever - 2
About the equation 5
#29 opened by hawkinglai - 0
Few shot experiment code
#30 opened by AntheaLi - 2
Using PointNN for Detection
#19 opened by mysticalfirellama - 3
I cannot reproduce the performance that you suggested on the ScanObjectNN with Point-PN.
#25 opened by azhuantou - 0
关于Constructing Point-Memory Bank
#27 opened by JustC0deIt - 1
Segmentation fault
#26 opened by kaka-ice - 1
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The method for computing "feature responses"
#24 opened by yimjae0 - 0
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#21 opened by 200525123 - 0
Release Code for Point-NN-Seg
#20 opened by docxmxm - 0
#18 opened by TendernessMook - 0
'pointnet2_ops_lib.pointnet2_ops._ext' has no attribute 'furthest_point_sampling'
#16 opened by Focuslwm - 2
Code for pointPN in segmentation tasks
#13 opened by wrbbb - 1
What is the dimension of x & xyz
#14 opened by KLM1109 - 3
Understanding about the article
#12 opened by Antonwxb - 2
Making own dataset
#10 opened by Cipher-zzz - 2
#11 opened by Cauchyck - 2
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Code for Point-PN
#4 opened by Liuyunming1999 - 4
Do you have any tests on the performance of the proposed algorithm on large scale autonomous driving scene?
#5 opened by jiangchaokang - 1
Thank you for your wonderful work, could you please share more detail manners of plugging the PointNN into 3DETR that improve the performance? I'm interested in this, thank you.
#3 opened by RongkunYang - 5
Where is the code of part segmentation?
#2 opened by GuanRunwei - 8
The environment of Point-NN
#1 opened by whuhxb