
The native Daily Banking iOS app.

For app testing request a testflight access.

Used technologies


Shared documentation between iOS and Android


  • XCode 13 or higher
  • Ruby (suggested version: macOS default ruby)

Getting started

Checkout the project together with the subrepo:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

Run the project setup script:

sh ./scripts/

Useful scripts:

Running xUnique:

xUnique, is a pure Python script to regenerate project.pbxproj, a.k.a the Xcode project file, and make it unique and same on any machine, which makes merging project file easier. (

$ sh ./scripts/

Updating Apollo schema:

$ sh ./scripts/

Generate request/response classes from the downloaded schema:

sh ./scripts/

Working with resources

Bundled resources of the application are accessed via strongly typed references. Resource references are generated using Swiftgen, on each build.

The purpose of these references is to provide compiler errors in case a non-existent resource would be used, hence string based identification (such as UIImage(named: "my-image")) must be avoid if possible.


Localizable strings are currently found in the application target only.

Generated resources references: Strings.generated.swift

Example usage:



For updating localizable strings check out the Translation guide.


Images can be found in every build target.

Generated resource refernces: Assets.generated.swift

Example usage:



Where do I put a new image?

  • System icon -> DesignKit
  • Duotone icon -> Application target
  • Detailed icon -> Application target


Colors can be found in DesignKit only. DesignKit > Colors.swift contains the semantic color palette which is fully aligned with Designed System color palette. Avoid using any colors outside of this palette, otherwise rebranding the UI will not change the those elements.

Generated resource refernces: Assets.generated.swift

Example usage:



Fonts can be found in DesignKit only. DesignKit > Fonts.swift contains the semantic font styles those are fully aligned with Designed System. Avoid using any fonts outside of these, otherwise rebranding the UI will not change the those elements.

Generated resource references: Fonts.generated.swift

Example usage:
