This is the R script repository of the "Tools for Analytics Lab - R-track" course, part of the MSc in Business Analytics at CEU.

Jan 25 (90 min): Introduction to R and General Programming

Jan 26 (90 min): First Steps with Data Visualization

  • Review of the most important R object types
  • Quick overview of the missed data.frame examples from yesterday
  • Exploratory data analysis with the most often used plots
  • Plots outside of Excel: dotchart and vioplot examples
  • The Grammar of Graphics in R with ggplot2
  • GitHub registration

Jan 27 (140 min): Data Preparation

ggplot2 exercises

  • number of carburetors
  • horsepower
  • barplot of number of carburetors per transmission
  • boxplot of horsepower by the number of carburetors
  • horsepower and weight by the number of carburetors
  • horsepower and weight by the number of carburetors with a trend line

data.table exercises

  • the number of cancelled flights
  • the shortest flight on each weekday
  • the average delay to all destination
  • the average delay to all destination per destination
  • plot the departure and arrival delays
  • plot the average departure and arrival delays per destination
  • plot the average departure and arrival delays per flight + size
  • estimate the delay to Budapest