
HackerNews made with React

Primary LanguageJavaScript

HackerNews by Muhammad Zain

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


I've added comments, JSDocs, and named methods, variables so that you may understand them easily. I also committed frequently and made sure that commit messages are self explanatory. Hope there is nothing that you find hard to understand.



In the Task detail we're asked to filter New and Top stories but in Mockup there are New and Past stories. According to the available API: https://github.com/HackerNews/API#new-top-and-best-stories, Only New, Top and Best stories are available to be fetched So I'm implemented New/Top/Best stories to resolve any confusion

Project Information

Setting up

  1. Extract the project from compressed file.
  2. cd hacker-news
  3. Run yarn or npm install
  4. yarn start or npm run start

Additionally, to create a build run, yarn build

Unit Tests

src/specs/App.test.js file contains all the unit tests of available components and pages. Every describe(.. block represents a separate test suit and there are multiple tests in when suit which are represented by test(.. block. Tests descriptions should help in understanding what is actually happening in a test.

Unit tests can be run by using yarn test command.

Version Control and Branches

I've used git as version control and I've made extensive commits with self explanatory messages so that my progress is highlighted through commits. See all commits by running git log.

I've also made a few branches

  1. master is the default branch which has all the commits of other branches merged in it.
  2. hackerNews/design-ui as the name suggests, I designed all the static UI and wrote Sass in this branch.
  3. hackerNews/implement-basic-functionality has basic functional part in it. Here I split my static UI into reusable components, create API methods, Implement pagination etc.
  4. hackerNews/implement-extra-functionality Here I add extra functionality which is beyond the description of Task. Like, I add React-Timeago here, Show loaded/total stories count here, hide Load More button if no more posts are here, and Introduce loading state etc.
  5. hackerNews/test-specs Implements Unit tests of all the components. Tests can be found in src/specs/App.test.js
  6. hackerNews/update-readme.md Updates the README.md file.

Directory Information

  • API methods (using native fetch API with async/await pattern): src/api/stories.js
  • Sass styles of entire application: src/assets/sass
  • Images/icons/logos: src/assets/images
  • Application Level Components: src/Components
  • Available pages (currently we only have Feedpage): src/pages/Feed.js
  • Test specs of all the components and pages: src/specs/App.test.js
  • Utility methods: src/utils/utils.js
  • Homepage: src/App.js

3rd Party Libraries Used

  1. Bootstrap
  2. React Timeago