This little library demonstrates how to add a Collapsible Toolbar to your application with an avatar that moves and expands as seen in the Telegram Android application.
This library consist in one single view, and uses the Design Support Library.
Check out the sample proyect included.
dependencies {
compile 'com.sloydev:collapsingavatartoolbar:1.0.0'
Add com.sloydev.collapsingavatartoolbar.CollapsingAvatarToolbar
to your layout:
It must be placed inside a CollapsingToolbarLayout with a sibling Toolbar, like this:
<!-- The rest of your activity layout -->
CollapsingAvatarToolbar must be placed inside an AppBarLayout, wrapped with a CollapsingToolbarLayout. Check out the Android Design Support library for more info.
CollapsingAvatarToolbar must have a sibling Toolbar, which will be shown below it for navigation controls and menu items. If you don't want to use a Toolbar... well we should talk about it.
Expanded height will be determined by the AppBarLayout's height.
Collapsed height will be determined by the Toolbar's height.
You must provide the avatar and title views inside CollapsingAvatarToolbar, with the exact same ids shown above. Note: these are the library's ids, not your owns.
You can use any kind of TextView for the title, and any view you want for the avatar. I used hdodenhof's CircleImageView in the sample, but that's up to you.
You can also add more views inside CollapsingAvatarToolbar. Take a look at the sample for an example with subtitle.
All custom attributes are optional. If not provided defaults will be used.
Improvements are most than welcome. Feel free to send a Pull Request or open an Issue.
I am pretty bad at explaining myself. Check out the sample project for implementation details or ask me anything you need to know.