Simplify and improve the job hunting experience by integrating LLMs to automate tasks such as resume and cover letter generation, as well as application submission, saving users time and effort.
- acumenix
- AdhithyanR
- ameygoes@BigCommerce
- AmritaBhTempe, AZ, USA
- andylin12
- AnkitBaliyan1
- bernshawcui
- bhavsarhem
- cmokaleSan Francisco
- deanbgarlickCanada
- deepakc016
- frederickmosbyjrnobel
- hannah-a
- hscspring
- jmanhype
- JMLogs
- Juilee266
- KeyvanhardaniMunich - Germany
- KhalfaniW
- KunaalNaikDell
- madhavappaneniBuffalo, NY
- makemoney2023
- mehdiselbiIBM
- Mj23978Fluttensor
- mohith01United States
- polya20
- pratik9315AsyncAPI Initiative
- sahilhadke
- sraakesh95githubArizona State University
- Tejesvani
- terry6020Designs By Tatamka LLC
- thortekLearning Components
- tresp-lab
- VinayChaudhari1996Pune
- Zii626