
attempt to make portage (Gentoo Linux package manager) work faster

Primary LanguageRuby


  1. Why
  2. Requirements
  3. Installation
  4. Setup
  5. Usage
  6. Status


Portage is a package management software for Gentoo Linux. Below there are some things that I do not like in it

  1. Slowness
    Gentoo is all about choice and speed. But its irritating when it takes minutes to do tasks that involves dependancy calculation (emerge -pvte world for example)
  2. Data duplication
    It stores all data in plain txt files. There is nothing bad in it. But some type of the data are duplicated couple of times.
  3. Portage cache in sqlite does not help
    There is a possibility to store portage cache in the sqlite database ([1], [2]). However this does not help portage to work faster. Also I do not like structure of the db (resides in /var/cache/edb/dep/usr/portage.sqlite) that is used
  4. Lack of app that does all but fast
    There are couple of apps that do quite general tasks in terms of PM. None of them is not fast enough (except eix)

Possibly there are others..

To improve my knowledge of SQL I decided to make a try to put portage cache and some related data into SQLite database.

[1] - http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Portage_SQLite_Cache
[2] - http://optimization.hardlinux.ru/?page_id=152(rus)


Next list of packages are mandatory

  • Ruby 1.9+
  • SQLite
  • rubygems
  • libxml2
  • libxslt

Next list of ruby gems are also mandatory

  • sqlite-ruby
  • nokogiri
  • json

In Gentoo Linux you can use next commands to install all of them

emerge -vtNa >=dev-lang/ruby-1.9* >=dev-db/sqlite-3.7 dev-libs/libxml2 dev-libs/libxslt
gem install sqlite3 json nokogiri

Note1: rubygems should be also installed as dependancy for Ruby automatically.
Note2: maybe you should take care about ruby_targets environment variable in make.conf


Most simple way to get it is to do a git clone operation

git clone git@github.com:ZuBB/portage3.git [/path]


  • go to bin dir in your favourite term app
  • run 01_generate_config. Follow onscreen insctructions
  • run 02_prepare_fast_storage. You might want to check script params before run
  • run 03_fill_db. You need to check script params before run

Now you have most important portage data in sqlite database


Go to example dir and try to use tool(s) you like


  • For now its a JFF project
  • Currently its in experimental status (broken master, dozens of branches, stable API is nonsense, Friday's commits, etc.)
  • Yes, I do have a roadmap! Short term tasks (means prototype is ready) is current milestone. No deadline is assigned. Next one is Long term tasks (means unschedulled)