
Primary LanguageDart


A new Chat app project.

Setup project:

  • create mobx structure
  • create router store
  • add theme data config, color palette
  • add analysis options
  • config the hasura database
  • make the models and the tabels in database

Splash screen

  • add splash screen + make logic for auth store


  • create register page design
  • save phone number to shared preferences
  • after the user has registered once, he will be always logged in,
  • phone number register method
  • verify phone number with OTP (server - client)

Profile account config

  • add profile account config

Home page

  • add bottom navigation bar
  • add contacts page
  • add chats page
  • add more page

Contacts page

  • list all of the contacts
  • add new contact
  • search bar

Chats page

  • list all of the chats
  • create new chat / group
  • add story
  • search bar
  • last time when the contacts where online
  • number of unreaded messages

More page

  • account details - edit profile
  • notifications -

Personal/group chat

  • search
  • settings
  • send message bar