
The Pharmacy Management System is a complete system that is meant for a seamless experience between the patient, doctor, and pharmacist each assisting one another as a doctor with a fill prior info about the patient then the patient goes the pharmacy to get his drugs. The application has 3 main sections, pharmacy section, doctor section, and payments section. The doctor section represents the admin user with the ability to add new drugs. the pharmacy section offers the drug and proceeds with the payment to finish the process with the customer.

Primary LanguageJava

Pharmacy Management System

Version 1.0.0 Use the dit folder to look for the .exe file for the application

Fully featured Pharmacy Management System to facilitate the work between of doctors and pharmacists.

The Pharmacy Management System is a complete system that is meant for a seamless experience between the patient, doctor, and pharmacist each assisting one another as a doctor with a fill prior info about the patient then the patient goes the pharmacy to get his drugs. The application has 3 main sections, pharmacy section, doctor section, and payments section. The doctor section represents the admin user with the ability of adding new drugs. the pharmacy section offers the drug and proceeds with the payment to finish the process with the customer.


Please follow the official website provided for easy instillation of the needed tools on your system.

  • Java The main programing language of the application
  • Swing A Java FrameWork used for building the GUI
  • Netbeans IDE An IDE used to allow functionality of the java forms

A Simple LOGO Fix:

  • Change the path of the ImageIcon to the correct path of your machine to allow the program to have a Logo apart from the java logo

  • To do this:

    a) Change from the path in this line in every java class after init component method to correct path in your machine from the Icons folder :

     img = new ImageIcon("C:\\Users\\Zoubar\\Documents\\NetBeansProjects\\Pharmacy_Project\\src\\Icons/icon1.png");
    b) Make sure you choose icon1.png with the png file extension.
      img = new ImageIcon("New path from your machine.png");
    c) Then re-run the project and will run as normal with a Icon present.

Video of Explanation:

*Pharmacy Management System Video


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.



This project is licensed under the MIT License.