
A tutorial that demonstrates how to switch colors of an SVG file in Flutter.

Primary LanguageC++

SVG Colorization

A tutorial that demonstrates how to switch colors of an SVG file in Flutter.

To get into more details, read this article.

The SVG Colorization App

SVG Colorization App

Here's the link to the app.

Project Structure

All the code has been written as per the best practices. The below folder structure has been adopted to make the code look more understandable.

├─ assets
│  └─ car_front.svg /// The SVG File.
├─ lib
│  ├─ pages
│  │  └─ home.dart 
│  ├─ providers
│  │  └─ previous_color.dart /// A [ChangeNotifier] that holds the previous hex color value.
│  │  └─ svg_data.dart /// A [ChangeNotifier] that holds the svg text data.
│  ├─ utils
│  │  └─ util.dart /// A class that handles basic utility functions.
│  ├─ widgets
│  │  └─ circular_button.dart /// A Custom Rounded [Container] widget.
│  │  └─ color_text_field.dart /// A [CupertinoTextField] widget that copies the selected or typed color.
│  │  └─ hex_color_dialog.dart /// A [ColorPicker] widget wrapped in an [AlertDialog].
│  │  └─ scene_renderer.dart /// An [SvgPicture] widget that renders the svg.
│  │  └─ slider_options.dart /// A Custom [Widget] that allows Default & Custom Color Switching with SVG File Saving operations.
│  ├─ main.dart
├─ web
│  ├─ index.html
├─ pubspec.lock
├─ pubspec.yaml



Zujaj Misbah Khan


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