
My PokemonAPI

Primary LanguageC#


These are the CRUD endpoints for this Pokemon Data API

GET /api/v1.0/pokemon Description: Returns the list of all Pokémon. Query Parameters: name (optional): Filter query by Pokémon name. searchQuery (optional): Search query for Pokémon. Returns: An array of Pokémon DTOs.

GET /api/v1.0/pokemon/{pokemonId} Description: Get Pokémon by ID. Path Parameters: pokemonId: The ID of the Pokémon to retrieve. Returns: The requested Pokémon DTO. Status Codes: 200 OK: If the Pokémon is found. 404 Not Found: If the Pokémon with the given ID does not exist.

POST /api/v1.0/pokemon Description: Create a new Pokémon entry. Body: Pokémon DTO for creation. Returns: The created Pokémon DTO. Status Codes: 201 Created: If the Pokémon is successfully created. 400 Bad Request: If the request body is invalid.

PUT /api/v1.0/pokemon/{pokemonId} Description: Completely update the given Pokémon. Path Parameters: pokemonId: The ID of the Pokémon to update. Body: Updated Pokémon DTO. Returns: No content. Status Codes: 204 No Content: If the Pokémon is successfully updated. 404 Not Found: If the Pokémon with the given ID does not exist.

PATCH /api/v1.0/pokemon/{pokemonId} Description: Partially update the given Pokémon. Path Parameters: pokemonId: The ID of the Pokémon to partially update. Body: JSON Patch document for updating. Returns: No content. Status Codes: 204 No Content: If the Pokémon is successfully updated. 400 Bad Request: If the request body or JSON Patch document is invalid. 404 Not Found: If the Pokémon with the given ID does not exist.

DELETE /api/v1.0/pokemon/{pokemonId} Description: Delete the given Pokémon. Path Parameters: pokemonId: The ID of the Pokémon to delete. Returns: No content. Status Codes: 204 No Content: If the Pokémon is successfully deleted. 404 Not Found: If the Pokémon with the given ID does not exist.